As told in letters to my 92 year old grandmother…

#54: Arrivederci Summer
Summer is finally coming to an end here in Lucca, and with that is the slow return to normal life. The temperature is now consistently back below 30 degrees, and we've had a couple of spectacular storms overnight that have finally brought some rain.

#53: The Elusive Permesso di Soggiorno
I don't want to call it too soon, but I believe that we might have almost made it to the end of another Italian August. And while I wouldn't say we are completely mentally and emotionally unscathed, we've done pretty well.

#52: Arrivo, Eh!
The beginning of a new week has brought with it the signs of an economy creaking back to life. The work site at the end of our road, which has been as silent as the grave for a fortnight, is back in action. Albeit for very reduced hours.

#51: Chiuso Per Ferie
Today is the famous il Ferragosto. They say that the Melbourne Cup is the race that stops a nation (increasingly less true in the last few years I think) - but it has nothing on the fifteenth of August in Italy. The day that somehow manages to stop a nation for two weeks.

#50: Frog … and Other Olympic Sports
This week it is the turn of the French to invade Lucca. They are, of course, as stylish as tourists come. They are never sweaty, and they are impossibly aloof. They never, ever point at anything.

#49: Panic at the Checkout
I can see why whole economies in southern Europe grind to a halt in the summer months - it is simply impossible to operate with energy and efficiency in this heat. The only course of action is to find a spot in the shade and rest for as many hours of the day as possible.

#48: Italians Don’t Share Pizza
Can we talk about pizza? Obviously it is an Italian dish, so I recognise that criticising the way Italians eat pizza already has me on rocky ground. But Italians don't order pizze to share.

#47: Why Australians Can’t Have Nice Things
With summer well and truly underway here, we've been looking for activities to do with the kids that don't involve just sitting at home with the blinds down and the fans running, spying out the windows at anyone crazy enough to be out in the heat.

#46: One Year In Italy!
Today is officially our one year anniversary of moving to Italy! On 10 July 2023, we landed at Pisa's Galileo Galilei Airport in 38 degree weather. It feels simultaneously like it was last week, and a decade ago.

#45: Italian Summer Camp
I always used to wonder how families coped with the neverending Italian summer break, but now I know. Either they have retired grandparents on hand (sometimes living in the same building), or they send their children to campi estivi.

#44: In Pursuit of Perfect Cross Ventilation
I dream of achieving perfect cross-ventilation. Our neighbours think we are insane for keeping our windows open all the time. And we feel the same about them having theirs permanently shut, with blinds down.

#43: Cannon Fire
I always wonder when the week will come that I will sit down to write you this letter, and I won't have anything much to say. Almost a year into this crazy Italian adventure, and I haven't even come close yet!
#42: The Hills Are Alive
This week I've had the absolute pleasure of welcoming Mum back to Italy. She arrived on Friday last week, landing in Bologna. I drove up from Lucca to collect her, and then we bunny hopped our way up into the Dolomites (my manual driving continues to be a work in progress).

#41: Tourist Season Begins
The dramatic increase in tour groups and tourists has been astonishing these last couple of weeks. All of a sudden, guides with little flags on poles are everywhere. Cycling through town has become a game of dodgem cars.

#40: Lucca Vespa Club
We've been enjoying the most perfect springtime weather here in Lucca for the last week and half. It's been nothing but blue skies, incredible greenery and flowers everywhere. Truly magical.

#39: Siamo Tornati in Italia!
Siamo tornati a Lucca, finalmente! The last five weeks have been very special (and very tiring!) as we criss-crossed the globe, catching up with friends and family.

#38: Italiani in Australia
Hello from Australia! We have made it back to the southern hemisphere, after 24 hours in transit between Rome and Brisbane.

#37: Venice, Cittadella and A Big Step Forward
Last weekend was Easter. Pasqua here in Italia. We hired a comically small Fiat Panda, squished ourselves and our bags in, and drove north towards the Veneto. The motherland.

#36: A Bin Update and a Bureaucratic Hiccup
A quick update on the paper bin situation. After three missed collections, defiance reigned in the neighbourhood. Everyone left their overflowing paper bins out day and night, in protest of the lack of service. I can only imagine the number of calls being placed to Sistema Ambiente to complain about the desecration of the local streets.

#35: Paper Bin Drama
Unlike at home, where you have one day a week when all your bins are collected, in Lucca different bins are collected on different days. So, five days out of seven, you have a bin to remember to put out.