As told in letters to my 92 year old grandmother…

#74: San Gimignano All To Ourselves
We've had some fun adventures in the past week. We spent last weekend exploring a different part of Tuscany. A part of Tuscany that is much more Tuscan … in the classic, what-you-see-in-the-movies sense.

#73: Sam Neill and Space Nerdery in Tuscany
One book I've had on the go these last couple of weeks is Sam Neill's autobiography, Did I Ever Tell You This?. I'm sure you know Sam, although I'm less sure if you like him or not.
I do.

#72: Italian Neighbours
For many months now, our children have been firmly establishing themselves as the favourites in our family when it comes to our neighbours. Each morning we clatter down the stairs - me loaded with school bags and coats, trying to keep them from waking the dead with their excited chatter and squeals. And also still trying to stop Leo from tumbling head first as he jumps down each step.

#71: How To Say @ In Italian
We've been living in our current apartment for around 10 months now. So approaching one year. Plenty of time to have sorted out all the multitudes of administrative tasks that come along with moving house in Italy, right?

#70: Prosciutto-Coloured Glasses
I'm going to start this week with my new favourite Italian saying, which I learnt from a friend over a few glasses of prosecco on Friday night.
Avere le fette di prosciutto sugli occhi...
#69: Treviso & Important Prosecco Knowledge
There's no chance of falling asleep while driving here, because every second is one of intense concentration and high adrenaline. The only risk is that, after a few hours behind the wheel, your body will start to adjust to this new state of constant panic.

#68: Pranzo di Lavoro
Well I guess I should start with an apology. This is the longest I have ever left you waiting for a dispatch from Lucca! I am sorry.

#67: Post-Christmas Demons
As is often the case, now that we've found ourselves with a moment of quiet after a busy period, we've promptly all fallen ill.

#66: Grandparent Season
Last week we bid farewell to the lovely Liz, David's mum, after her week and a bit staying with us. And less than 48 hours later, it was time to welcome the inimitable duo of Fafa and Boppa (aka Mum and James).

#65: The Cheese Shark
Speaking of fantastic local produce, there is a weekly farmers market held every Wednesday evening in our local piazza. It is small, but the quality of the food available is exceptional. One of the stalls sells locally made cheeses, and they are fabulous. But of course, there is a catch.

#64: An Italian Pavlova Adventure
This year for Thanksgiving, apparently having learnt nothing, I embarked on a quest to make that most quintessential Australian dessert. A pavlova.
Don't start, New Zealanders.

#63: Italian “Opening” Hours
This morning I walked back through town after school drop off, and found workers stringing up all the Christmas lights. Apparently they will be lit this coming Saturday evening.
#62: Nonna Brutality
Every day I wake up expecting to find that the classic northern Italian grey skies have finally descended over our beautiful town - but still they have not. Long may this continue! Certainly makes laundry in the land of no tumble dryers much less challenging.

#61: Halloween in Italy
Our week has been dominated by the Lucca Comics and Games festival, which has been taking place here for the past four days - with one more day to go tomorrow.

#60: Italian Customer Service
The Italian interpretation of customer service is - I will give you my advice on the matter at hand, whether you want it or not, because I know more than you. As foreigners, the going-in assumption is that we know absolutely nothing and MUST BE TAUGHT.

#59: Teacher Strikes and Bureaucratic Birthdays
Strike action in Italy is standard business, and is especially common on the rails - usually taking place on a Sunday. The sciopero is always advised well in advance, so it is usually only the most unfortunate of tourists who really get left high and dry.

#58: Oh No Poncho
After the four of us being in the most perfect of health for the 14 weeks of summer holidays, Leo has chosen one of his first weeks' back at full time school to come down with un raffreddore (a cold).

#57: Mamma RAI
Lucca is famously wet in October, and this year it has started right on time. Gone are the shorts and t-shirts of a month ago, and on with the jackets, ponchos and umbrellas.
#56: Tellaro & Round Three with Italian Medicare
We've just returned from a magical three days at my favourite seaside escape in Liguria. Tellaro is truly something special.

#55: Seasonal Insanity
Technically, it is still summer until this Sunday 22 September. A concept that almost broke our Australian brains.