#1: Welcome to Lucca


Siamo arrivati in Italia! We have arrived in Italy. After a couple of weeks in the UK (London and then Newquay, Cornwall - a lovely spot that we will definitely visit again!) we landed in Italy. Straight into a week with la famiglia at a villa in another part of Toscana, near Siena. It was a lovely time, even with the scorching heat, and a great way to celebrate the momentous 70th birthday of James MacKenzie. Lots of fun and chianti classico had by all.

The business of actually settling into life in Lucca only truly began earlier this week. And we are very happy to be here!

Our apartment is incredible. Very large and very, very Italian. It is both completely perfect, while also being very "characteristic", i.e. a lot of things in it do not make sense but at this stage we still find amusing and charming. Maybe this will change after a few months! For example, the bathroom is the biggest I have ever seen, but there is no tub and the shower is so small that David hardly can use it. He bangs his elbows constantly while washing! 

The best part of course is the huge garden. It was wildly overgrown when we arrived, but we found an ancient mower in the shed and now it is perfect for afternoon aperitivo hour with the bambini running around in the hose.

Daily life in Lucca still feels like a dream. Everyone is so lovely and helpful! 

I achieved what I thought was impossible and within only a week we have functioning internet and mobile phones. The people on the desk at the Telecom Italia shop went above and beyond to help, including liaising directly with the technicians on my behalf. I was ready for it to be a battle and take months, but here we are! I think it helped that I took Raffaella with me on the day and they absolutely fell in love with her.

We are also greatly helped by the fact that most Italians we have encountered speak some English and are very willing to try to communicate in a mix of languages, unlike other places (cough, France, cough)... Although I feel that this may also hinder the speed at which I learn la bella lingua.

Of course the coffee and the food is incredible. Hardly needs saying. 

Raffy and Leo are settling in very well. They are both exceedingly happy with pasta every day, and Raffy has learnt how to ask for her own cornetto con cioccolato at the coffee bar. 

Our final visitors for the summer arrive this afternoon. Francesca, Mike and Adelaide are staying for the weekend before they fly back to Australia. When they leave we will then be well and truly on the other side of the world from all our friends and family. I'm excited to have them here, but will be sad when they leave.

If you decide that you want to escape dreary Melbourne, there is always a spare room (and a piccolissimo shower!) here for you! I miss you already.

Lots and lots and lots of love and baci,

Kate (and David, Leo and Raffaella)


#2: A New Home